⚠️ This page is deprecated.
Please visit our 🆕 Publigo Help Center.
If you wish to uninstall Publigo (e.g., to isolate problems with other conflicting apps, to use it on just 1 account, or if you won’t be needing it in your new job), you can easily uninstall it from your Google account.
Note: Uninstalling Publigo will interrupt all the add-on's functionality and activities on your Google account.
Uninstall for Individual Gmail or Google Workspace users
1.Go to the Publigo Google Workspace Marketplace page.
2.Click the Uninstall button.
Alternatively, you can uninstall Publigo (or any add-ons) directly in Google Sheets, Slides or Docs. To do so:
1.Click Get Add-ons from the Google side panel
2. Enter Publigo in the search bar
3. In the Publigo card, click Options > Uninstall
Info: There is no automatic deletion of your user data in our database (Firebase).
To get your user data deleted, please send a request to support@publigo.app. We will process the deletion within 30 days upon request.
Uninstall for Google Admins
From the Admin console Home page, go to App > Google Workspace Marketplace apps.
Click the Publigo app.
On the left, click Delete App.
Click Delete App to confirm.
Note: Changes may take up to 24 hours to propagate to all users.
Click here for more details.